Senate wants extradition of IPOB factional leader, Simon Ekpa, over sit-at-home orders

The Nigerian Senate has called on the Federal Government to collaborate with the Finnish government to extradite Simon Ekpa for prosecution due to his alleged involvement in orchestrating persistent “sit-at-home” orders and killings in the South-East region of Nigeria.

The Senate’s resolution came after considering and adopting a motion titled “Condemning the Disruptive Nature of Five Sit-At-Home Demonstrations in the South-East Nigeria,” sponsored by Sen. Osita Izunaso (APC-Imo) and co-sponsored by all other South-East senators.

Senator Izunaso highlighted the negative impact of the sit-at-home protests, stating that thousands of innocent lives have been lost, and properties worth over a trillion Naira have been destroyed, leading to investors leaving the region. The civil disobedience actions have disrupted economic activities, leading to financial losses for businesses and workers.

The sit-at-home protests have also affected education, with students missing classes and experiencing delays in academic progress. Essential public services like healthcare, transportation, and waste disposal have also been disrupted, negatively affecting the well-being and safety of the general population.

The involvement of Simon Ekpa in issuing illegal sit-at-home orders has been a cause for concern, as it could potentially incite violence and unlawful activities. Sen. Enyinnaya Abaribe revealed that Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of IPOB, disavowed the sit-at-home orders on Mondays, stating that Simon Ekpa was responsible for them. The criminal elements involved in the protests have been using terror to loot, maim, and commit acts of vandalism.

The Senate condemned the sit-at-home orders and the activities of Simon Ekpa, describing him as a gang leader. It called for a thorough investigation and the prosecution of those involved in the nefarious activities. The use of technology by security agencies to track down criminals and bring them to justice was also emphasized.

The Senate declined a prayer to handle the case of Nnamdi Kanu using a political solution approach, considering the ongoing litigation on the matter. Finally, the Senate observed a minute of silence in honor of those who lost their lives due to the activities of the sit-at-home proponents.

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