Panic as Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way

Panic as Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way

A large-scale search and rescue operation is currently underway in the mid-Atlantic following the disappearance of a tourist submarine during a dive to the wreck of the Titanic. The US Coast Guard reported that contact with the small submarine was lost approximately one hour and forty-five minutes into its dive. OceanGate, the tour firm operating…

Aircraft Accident: The story of Aloha Flight 243 April 28, 1998, Miracle landing.

Aircraft Accident: The story of Aloha Flight 243 April 28, 1998, Miracle landing.

– video at the bottom of this article On April 28, 1988, Aloha Flight 243, a Boeing 737-200, experienced a catastrophic decompression in flight, resulting in the loss of a large portion of the fuselage and the death of one passenger. The incident is notable for several reasons, including the heroism of the flight crew…

FLOATING BRIDGES: The future of transportation, how floating bridges could revolutionize the way we travel.

FLOATING BRIDGES: The future of transportation, how floating bridges could revolutionize the way we travel.

A floating bridge is a type of bridge that is supported by pontoons or other buoyant structures, rather than by foundations that are anchored to the ground. Floating bridges are used where the water is too deep for a traditional bridge, or where the soil is too soft to support a bridge’s foundation. They are…

AIRCRAFT TURBULENCE – The science behind air turbulence causes and effects.

AIRCRAFT TURBULENCE – The science behind air turbulence causes and effects.

Navigating the Bumps: Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Air Turbulence Air turbulence is an unavoidable part of air travel. It can range from mild bumps to severe jolts that can make passengers feel like they are on a rollercoaster. While turbulence can be unsettling, it is generally not dangerous, as modern aircraft are built…

The cobra’s life was lost in the battle between it and the mongoose.

The cobra’s life was lost in the battle between it and the mongoose.

The kiпg cobra seems to haʋe eпteгed the moпgoose’s teггitoгy aпd has eпteгed iпto aп iпteпse face-off with the moпgoose. The moпgoose is a small aпimal with shoгt legs bυt it is kпowп as a feгocioυs sпake fighteг. The kiпg cobra is oпe of the most ʋeпomoυs sпakes iп the woгld aпd caп kill hυmaпs…