Independence Anniversary: Tinubu Adds N25,000 To Salaries Of Low Grade Workers

    In a significant Independence Day broadcast to the nation, President Bola Tinubu announced a substantial step to alleviate the burden faced by low-grade workers in Nigeria. Amidst concerns from Nigerians about the removal of subsidies by the Federal Government, Tinubu addressed the challenges the nation was facing, acknowledging the hardships experienced by the citizens.

    He passionately expressed his determination not to build the nation’s future on unstable grounds. Tinubu emphasized that although reforms might be painful, they were essential for achieving greatness and securing a prosperous future. He envisioned a Nigeria where the nation’s abundance was shared among all, eradicating hunger, poverty, and hardship from the shadows of the past.

    To ease the economic stress on families and households, Tinubu outlined several initiatives. One notable step was the introduction of a provisional wage increment aimed at enhancing the federal minimum wage without causing undue inflation. For the next six months, low-grade workers would receive an additional N25,000 per month.

    Additionally, the government set up an Infrastructure Support Fund for states to invest in critical areas, ensuring relief packages against rising food and other prices. To tackle transport costs, the government introduced Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses, operating at a fraction of current fuel prices. This move aimed to positively impact transport fares and provide new opportunities for transport operators and entrepreneurs.

    President Tinubu assured Nigerians of his administration’s commitment to eliminating poverty, terrorism, and all forms of criminality in the country. He emphasized that the government was implementing programs and policies to empower citizens and combat these challenges effectively.

    Moreover, Tinubu highlighted a new era in Nigeria’s national defense and security strategy. He directed all heads of defense and security institutions to unite their efforts to protect the nation’s integrity and well-being. As the Chairman of the ECOWAS, he emphasized the diligent efforts to enhance regional conflict management and development mechanisms, ensuring peace, stability, and progress across West Africa and beyond.

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