Tribunal judgements: SAN urges Nigerians not to demonise judiciary

MBA Ukweni, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), has called for a more respectful and considerate approach towards the nation’s judiciary. He emphasized the importance of refraining from demonizing this crucial branch of government.

In response to the recent judgment of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, delivered in Abuja on September 6th, the SAN underscored that the tribunal judges made their decision based on the evidence presented before them and in accordance with the law. He reminded the public that there is a legal avenue for those who may disagree with the judgments, which is to approach the Supreme Court.

MBA Ukweni expressed his concern about the undue castigation and intimidation of the judiciary in Nigeria. He noted that the judiciary has faced challenges in the past and emphasized the importance of preserving its independence as a separate and impartial arm of government.

Ukweni acknowledged that judges, like all individuals, are not infallible, and only God is perfect. He called for patience and understanding from the public, emphasizing that strong institutions are essential for the nation’s progress and stability.

This perspective highlights the need for a balanced and respectful dialogue around the judiciary’s role and decisions in Nigeria, with a focus on strengthening the country’s institutions for a more just and equitable society.

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