Wife bathes husband with boiling water 2 months after marriage in Niger State

A domestic dispute turned violent as Amina Abashe, a housewife residing in Kontagora LGA of Niger State, allegedly poured boiling water on her husband, Shehu Abdullahi, following an argument over her frequent communication with other men. The couple, married for just two months prior to the incident, found themselves in turmoil on Tuesday, as recounted by Mr. Abdullahi from his hospital bed at the General Hospital, Kontagoro.

Mr. Abdullahi, who remarried after the passing of his former wife, revealed that his wife first attempted to fatally stab him before resorting to pouring boiling water on him. Despite managing to disarm her during the knife altercation, he was unable to prevent the scalding attack.

It’s reported that the marital discord stemmed from Mrs. Abashe’s reluctance to move into her husband’s residence, prompting Mr. Abdullahi to seek intervention from her parents. The situation escalated on the evening of the incident when Mrs. Abashe summoned her husband to their home, informing him of her desire to end the marriage and claiming to have found another suitor willing to reimburse his dowry. Allegedly, she was conversing with a male acquaintance during this confrontation.

Mr. Abdullahi’s attempts to retrieve her phone sparked the violent altercation, culminating in the boiling water assault. Despite these harrowing details, the response from the state’s police spokesperson, Wasiu Abiodun, remains undisclosed, as efforts to obtain a comment were unsuccessful.

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