FCT residents decry rising insecurity, demand urgent action

    Residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) have expressed deep concern over the alarming rate of kidnapping and robbery incidents within the city center in recent times. Many residents are increasingly worried about their safety and security.

    Several residents who spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday described the spate of insecurity in the FCT as worrisome, alarming, and unacceptable. They called on security agencies and the FCT Administration to take urgent measures to address the issue and protect the residents from criminals.

    Joel Adewale, a civil servant, shared a harrowing incident where his daughter was recently attacked on her way from Wuse to Gwagwalada. She was taken to a secluded road off Airport road and robbed of her belongings. The criminals forced her to call her father and transfer money to her account using a Point of Sale (PoS) machine. Eventually, she was released after the payment of N150,000.

    Joshua Orogun, the former President of Abuja Newspapers Distributors Association, expressed concern that the increasing insecurity in the FCT has persisted for over 15 years. He urged the present administration to take decisive actions to address the situation and protect residents. He also emphasized the need for vigilance among residents.

    Friday Odekina, a communication expert, attributed the rising insecurity to the increasing number of people with no means of livelihood in the FCT. He noted that the city has seen a surge in the number of individuals who have migrated in search of opportunities and some have turned to crime for survival. He called for measures to address this issue.

    Adeniyi Olajide, a public servant, observed that the rate of insecurity in the FCT has taken a new and disturbing dimension recently. He shared a heartbreaking story of a friend who was kidnapped and had to pay a hefty ransom. The stress of refunding the money led to his friend’s depression and eventual death.

    Incidents of “one chance” robberies, where unsuspecting victims are lured into taxis or vehicles and then robbed, have also been reported. Kidnappings for ransom and other criminal activities have left residents feeling vulnerable.

    While residents express their concerns, the FCT Police Command downplays reports of increasing crime. The command spokesperson, SP Josephine Adeh, stated that they are doing their best to protect lives and property. She emphasized that they have deployed assets and personnel across the territory to track criminals and safeguard residents.

    The situation highlights the pressing need for improved security measures and the importance of addressing the root causes of insecurity in the FCT to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents.

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