2 killed, 2 lose eyesight after consuming spurious liquor in India

    Tragic news emerged from India’s eastern state of Bihar as officials reported that two people had lost their lives, and two others had suffered the loss of eyesight after consuming spurious liquor. This distressing incident occurred in the Qazi Mohammadpur police station area in Muzaffarpur district, situated approximately 72 kilometers north of Patna, Bihar’s capital.

    According to authorities, the victims had reportedly returned home in an inebriated state three days prior to their deaths. Subsequently, they fell ill and tragically succumbed to their ailments during the course of their treatment. Additionally, two individuals from the same locality were reported to have lost their eyesight due to the consumption of the tainted liquor.

    Local law enforcement agencies have initiated investigations into this tragic incident and are actively seeking to identify the individuals responsible for selling the adulterated liquor. An extensive crackdown against illicit liquor suppliers has also been launched in the district.

    Officials fear that the number of affected individuals may rise as police and district administration personnel have undertaken door-to-door searches in the area to identify those who have fallen ill after consuming the spurious liquor.

    This unfortunate incident once again highlights the issue of the sale of spurious liquor in Bihar, despite the state being officially designated as “dry,” where both the sale and consumption of alcohol are strictly prohibited by law. The prohibition of alcohol in Bihar was implemented in 2016 after women’s advocacy groups campaigned against the squandering of meager earnings by laborers on alcohol.

    Despite the ban, reports of deaths resulting from the consumption of illicit liquor in the state continue to surface. A particularly devastating incident occurred in December 2022 when over 90 people lost their lives, and many others were hospitalized due to tainted bootleg liquor consumption in Bihar.

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