Title: The Power of Humility: A story of two friends

In a story called “The Power of Humility” two friends who hadn’t seen each other in about 30 years meet again after a long time. One of them, James, shares his thoughts about what happened:

James remembers back to the time when he and his friend were in school and how things have gone well for him since then. He unexpectedly runs into his old friend, David, in the lobby of a hotel. He notices that David looks simple and is wearing plain clothes. This sight makes James feel emotional.

When David walks up to James, he’s happy to see him again. However, James secretly doesn’t feel too impressed with David’s situation compared to his own. He finds it hard to hide this feeling.

They exchange their contact information, and James can see that David is really happy about it. James then brags to David about his new car, a Range Rover, and offers to give David a ride home. But David declines the offer because he’s already called for his own car, an old 2001 Honda Accord.

James invites David to his house for lunch the next day. Part of him wants to show off his success to David, while another part wants to discuss opportunities and maybe help David.

David drives to where James lives, called Parkview. He seems impressed by James’s house. However, James realizes that he has taken a big loan to afford the house and is actually in a lot of debt. They have lunch together. David tells James that he’s into small business and real estate. James tries to talk about business more, but David doesn’t seem too interested. James asks how he can help David, but David says he’s fine. James even offers to help David get loans, but David just smiles.

David invites James to visit his place soon, and an old car comes to pick him up. James feels thankful for what he has. He remembers the saying, “Fingers are not all equal,” and realizes he’s fortunate. He has a good job.

Two weeks later, James and his wife go to visit David in a distant place. James’s wife is unsure about going because she doesn’t think David is rich enough to visit. But James convinces her by saying they were close friends in college. They find David’s estate and ask for directions to his home. People speak about David with respect.

David’s home is simple but nice, with four bedrooms. Four cars are parked outside. When they enter, they find the inside of the house elegantly decorated. David warmly welcomes them.

They have a good lunch. David’s wife affectionately calls him different sweet names. During lunch, David asks James about his boss. He says they are friends. James sees a gift from the company he works for on one of David’s tables. That company owns a big part of the place where James works. James asks David about it. David smiles and tells James that he owns the company and the estate.

James doesn’t realize it, but he calls David “sir” because he’s so impressed by him. He learns a big lesson about humility. He realizes that things aren’t always what they seem.

On the way back home, James is very quiet. His wife is calm and humble. James thinks about how he’s living on loans and showing off, while the person who actually pays his salary, David, lives simply. He remembers the saying, “Deeper Rivers Flow In Majestic Silence.”

James ends his story by telling everyone to change how they see others and to be humble. He learned this important lesson from his meeting with David.

Author: Ademola H Adigun

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