MY INSPIRING JOURNEY: From a Microbiologist into I.C.T – BinaryBrain Global Tech, a Catalyst for my Transformation.

In a world driven by constant technological advancements, the ability to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a remarkable feat. Many consider me a true testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and the relentless pursuit of one’s passion.

In a remarkable transformation, I transitioned from the world of microbiology to become an expert in various ICT domains, including software engineering, hardware repairs, CCTV installation, and solar system/inverter installation. This is the awe-inspiring story of how I embarked on an incredible journey of self-discovery, pushing boundaries, and overcoming challenges to achieve unprecedented success.

The Humble Beginnings:

Born with an insatiable curiosity and an innate love for the natural world, I initially pursued a career in microbiology. The field fascinated me, and my dedication to understanding the intricate workings of microorganisms was undeniable.

UAM Microbiology set 2015

However, as time went on, a lingering desire to explore the world of technology began to take hold. What seemed like an insurmountable shift became an opportunity for personal growth and exploration.

BinaryBrain Global Tech: A Catalyst for Transformation:

At the core of my remarkable journey into the world of technology lies the pivotal role played by BinaryBrain Global Tech, founded by Mr. Eric Bassey Okoi.

This institution became the catalyst for my transformation, providing me with the necessary foundation and guidance to excel in the ICT industry. Under Mr. Okoi’s mentorship, I received comprehensive training in hardware repair and networking, earning a prestigious diploma in computer repairs and maintenance/networking.


Mr. Eric Bassey through the instrumentality of BinaryBrain Global Tech, has impacted the life of so many young people who are now doing well in various fields of endeavor, many of which are now business owners and CEO’s in the ICT industry.

The Power of Patience and Perseverance:

Recognizing the uphill battle that lay ahead, I made a conscious decision to delve into the vast realm of ICT. The road to expertise was not an easy one, but through sheer determination and unwavering patience, I embarked on an extraordinary transformation. With each new skill acquired, I embraced the challenges with an open mind and a commitment to learn, making steady progress in my chosen fields.

Hardware Repairs: The Master of Machines:

Undeterred by the complexities of hardware repairs, I fearlessly ventured into the intricate world of circuit boards and electronic components.

Through meticulous learning and hands-on experience at BinaryBrain Global Tech, I developed an unmatched skillset, enabling me to troubleshoot and repair a wide array of devices with precision and expertise. My ability to breathe life into malfunctioning hardware showcased gave me so much satisfaction.

Software Engineering: Building Digital Dreams:

Immersing myself in the world of programming and software engineering, I quickly realized the boundless potential of this discipline. I spent countless hours studying algorithms, honing my coding skills under the tutelage of Mr Fatai Ahmed – CEO Hielite Technologies where i was certified a full stack developer (CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL IN MERN-STACK DEVELOPMENT) and collaborating with like-minded enthusiasts.

What began as a simple curiosity soon blossomed into a full-fledged passion, propelling me towards becoming an adept software engineer.

CCTV Installation: Vigilance Meets Technical Mastery:

Recognizing the importance of security and surveillance systems, I set out to master the art of CCTV installation. Combining my knowledge of software engineering and hardware repairs, I seamlessly integrated cutting-edge camera systems into both residential and commercial spaces, my meticulous attention to detail and commitment to providing reliable surveillance solutions garnered me a reputation for excellence.

Solar System and Inverter Installation: Harnessing the Power of the Sun:

With a growing concern for environmental sustainability, I enrolled in a solar academy at ‘THRILL HOUSE ENERGIES” Ile-Ife Osun state, I explored the realm of renewable energy.

Armed with an unwavering commitment to green technology, I embarked on a journey to become proficient in solar system and inverter installation. My ability to harness the power of the sun and provide clean, reliable energy solutions earned me accolades and the satisfaction of contributing to a greener future.

Global Impact and Collaborative Success:

My’s journey into the ICT industry extends far beyond personal achievements. Through my dedication to sharing knowledge and empowering others, I have trained numerous individuals who now thrive in their respective endeavors.

My passion for technology led me to found Globalnet ICT Solutions in 2015, a company that has grown to be one of the leading providers of ICT industry solutions. Through my website,, I have connected businesses and individuals with innovative technological solutions tailored to their unique needs.

In my quest for excellence, I have gained strategic partnerships with industry leaders and experts across Nigeria. Together, we have successfully delivered remarkable outcomes in various projects, ranging from software development to infrastructure design and implementation. The collaborative success achieved by us has solidified GlobalNet ICT Solution’s position as respected figures in the Nigerian tech industry.


My inspiring journey from microbiologist to ICT expert extraordinaire showcases the power of perseverance, determination, and a deep passion for technology. Through the transformative training provided by Binary Brain Global Tech, I acquired a strong foundation in hardware repairs and networking, which became the springboard for My subsequent achievements. Mastering hardware repairs, I became renowned for my ability to revive and optimize devices.

My dedication to vigilance and security led me to excel in CCTV installation, offering cutting-edge solutions to clients seeking advanced surveillance systems. Embracing the world of programming, I unlocked digital frontiers, becoming an adept software engineer capable of shaping the digital landscape.

My journey extends beyond personal success, as I continue to impact the industry through my company, GLOBALNET ICT SOLUTIONS, and my commitment to knowledge-sharing.

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