Laptop Repair

Of any complexity


Sometimes the laptop is totally dead. Sometimes it’s just a simple issue. Follow the steps below for some troubleshooting ideas. 

  1. The first issue to check for is the battery. Does the laptop work like normal if it is plugged into the wall with a reliable charger? If so, your laptop likely has a bad battery. You can find battery replacement guides here. Make sure the power adapter you’re using works wih your computer and puts out enough watts to power your specific model. You don’t want to be the person who goes into a store for a repair just to learn that you were using the wrong charger Tip: give the laptop a bit of time after it is plugged in before you try turning it on.
  2. Does the laptop have any sign of life? These include spinning fans, blinking lights, or beeps. These beeps or flashing lights often correspond to a specific issue which you can fix. 
  3. Check for issues with the screen, It’s pretty easy to think your laptop isn’t working even if the issue is completely due to the screen. If the screen doesn’t turn on, try shining a flashlight into the screen and look for any images. If you can see dim images, the backlight in your screen is dead and you will need to replace the display.  Also make sure you haven’t just turned the brightness all the way down. Woops!
  4. Can you get into the BIOS? The BIOS is the basic firmware that runs when you first start your computer. You can sometimes enter the BIOS setup when the laptop starts by holding F2, F10, or the delete key on your keyboard when you press the power button. For a more comprehensive list of the keys used to enter the BIOS for each brand of laptop please contact us. If you can access the BIOS but can’t get any further with a regular boot, your laptop probably works fine, but you have an issue with the operating system. 

If none of these steps work, you might need to contact us to have a look for you or take it to a repair shop that can work on the issue with the motherboard. If the laptop has a separate power input board that is attached to the motherboard with a cable, you could try replacing that part first. Sometimes the motherboard works fine but isn’t receiving any power because of a bad power port.